In other words, there is no cause for why the chooser chooses what he chooses.
Skandelon attributes to choice, or the chooser, the characteristic that God alone can have- being an uncaused cause.
No he doesn't...let's break both of those down: "choice" and "chooser".
You have here contended that at least one of those is an
UNCAUSED CAUSE (your words). But what does Skan actually believe:
1.) Choice: being an definition, a choice is causally inert (like the number 7). Choices "cause" and
can cause nothing. But, then is the choice uncaused? No, because as you submit, the choice is caused by the chooser or agent.
That's one down.
2.) The agent or chooser:....not being a mere abstraction, a chooser
can stand in a causal relation, therefore it CAN cause something. That is, namely, the "choice".
But is it "uncaused"? No, because the chooser's cause is God. So, also, his categorical ability to make free decisions is caused by God.
It is a mover, but not an un-moved mover....the only un-moved mover is God.
That's two down.
That's what contra-causal is. It means nothing caused it.
In contrast or opposition to; against.
In opposition to something stated or expected; to the contrary.
Then your argument based entirely upon the lexical definition of "contra-causal" requires us to use better terminology (which I've always preferred using anyway.) Better "L.F.W." You know full well Skan
doesn't believe that a choice has NO cause...But since you can breed confusion this way, better Skan (always should have IMO) called it "Libertarian Free Will". You know full-well that the Lexical definition of a word does NOT always properly explain how a person uses it in any given circumstance. It is so here. Skan is not using the term that way in this debate. You should know that.
Watching the "Sword and the Stone"....the cook wags her finger at and calls Merlin an "
1. Any of various hollow-horned, bearded ruminant mammals of the genus Capra, originally of mountainous areas of the Old World, especially any of the domesticated forms of C. hircus, raised for wool, milk, and meat.
I submit that both you and I know that the cook was not contending that Merlin was a particularly greatly aged livestock mammal.
That attribute can belong to God alone. Only God is uncaused.
What attribute? Being an UNCAUSED CAUSE? Yes, you are correct.
Choices are caused by moral agents and Moral agents are caused by God. There's no argument here.
When Skandelon says that a choice is based on the chooser he is attributing to the chooser God's incommunicable attribute of independency.
You keep wanting to use the words "cause" and "based" interchangeably, and then subsequently take "
aseity" and use it interchangeably with the word "Independent". I am beginning to suspect that wittingly or not you are trading on semantic ambiguities.
For example:
If you implant the idea that the word "Independent" is synonymous with
aseity (as I think you did in the last thread) then no one can then say something like. "People make free choices 'Independent' of internal or external sufficient causes". (A perfectly Orthodox statement)....and then you can get your "
A-HA!" moment by accusing them of believing that there are abstractions (like choices) or causes (like moral agents) that are UNCAUSED or exist
a-se. You are trading on semantic ambiguity here, and it should stop.
A choice cannot say of itself "I am that I am" and therefore it is dependent. has a cause, namely a moral agent.
The chooser cannot say of himself "I am that I am."
Correct, although a "chooser" stands in causal relations...he is not un-caused (because he has a creator) namely God.
Therefore his choosing is contingent
Sure....I mean he has to actually exist before he can choose,
He has to have a quandary or circumstance not entirely of his own making to generate a circumstance upon which to deliberate,
He must posses a Mind with which to decide,
He must have a brain to interact with his mind....
need I go on?
dependent and fully relying upon God for his existence and for the existence of all that he does.
Yes, but who is arguing that choosers are self-existent? Again, no one.
Skandelon tries to wiggle out from under this by saying that choices do have influences but that the influences are not sufficient guarantors of what the choice will be.
I agree with him.
What then IS the sufficient guarantor and what does it look to in order to guarantee the choice?
There isn't one. I know no good reason to assume there
must be one.
Because he doesn't what?
Scripture says that in God we live and move and have our being. The Word of God says that Christ was before all things and by HIM all things CONSIST.
Yes, it does. And it is absolutely true.
The only thing in the universe that is uncaused is GOD.
Yes. :sleeping_2:
No, they aren't.... they are caused by agents
and not the puny choosers of those choices.
No, they aren't....they are caused by God.
De'ja-vu anyone? I could have sworn someone has mentioned this before.
Being UNCAUSED is the PREMIER attribute of God. It is THE ESSENCE of his very name, Jehovah.
Correct, neither choices nor choosers are un-caused.
To snatch that attribute down from its highest and holiest perch in the nature of God and to attribute it to a man choosing is really a VERY DANGEROUS THING.
There is only one person who is arguing that it even
can EITHER negatively
OR positively be attributed to choices either for
or against
or con
....and that is actually you.
Those who believe in L.F.W. (since it isn't
really 'contra-causal'- or non-caused) know you are engaged in arguing based upon a category mistake.