I know this may be a day late and a dollar short, but there's absolutely no way Jesus could have ever sinned, God Incarnate, the God-Man, though 100% man, yet still 100% God.
I haven't read all the posts, but many agree that Jesus couldn't sin, I agree as well.
Jesus set the Perfect example on the pinacle of temptation, to prove the devil is no match, and exactly how stupid satan is to even think he could tempt the Son of God to sin. Also it shows that the devil is under the authority of God all the while. The LORD can make satan do that which would be considered against his will, all to accomplish God's will. The will of God in the temptation of Christ wasn't to prove Him sinless, it is already known that God cannot lie. It was to show man, no matter how weak we are, just as in Christ's humanity He also was weak in the flesh, as we are in Jesus and He in us we are more than conquerers through Christ Jesus and can overcome any temptation. We are to reckon ourselves dead, yet alive unto Christ, that's the key to overcoming temptation, Jesus is our City of Refuge, He is our way of escape from temptation altogether, and most of all from sin we'll ever commit, but never a license to sin willfully and arrogantly.
My Aunt Judy died believing Jesus did sin in the Garden of Gethsemane. Though many times I pointed her to scripture proving Jesus to be without sin, she held to the false teaching from an apostate. Was she saved? If you had known my aunt before she said she got saved and after (II Cor. 5:17) you would know she had become a "new" creature in Christ. Did she die with victory in her soul? I'd have to say , yes, she died clinging to her faith, praising Jesus for saving her, while in much anguish and pain, dying of cancer throughout her body. But I do have to say she was confused about many things of the Word of God.
I read a statement recently, I can't remember just who said it, but it makes a lot of sense: "We as men with magnifying glass in hand, look for any little detail that might be considered a mistake in the Word of God." I believe many are like the old crow, finding any little shiny object beholding it in his own esteem, when instead it is nothing more than junk.
To even think for an instant that Jesus could sin, is due to ignorance of the Nature of God altogether, trying to seperate the Spirit from the Body of Christ is a little more than simple ignorance. The one and only time the Body of Christ became separate from the Spitit was on the Cross. Jesus had become sin for all of creation and said,"Into thy hands I commend my Spirit" and He gave up the ghost.
In Christ, and never to be removed!
Brother Ricky