Well-Known Member
I seriously do not "foam at the mouth" in reference to dispensationalism sir......I really don't...I think that you do. I don't like mis-representation is all.....I know two things only...I have read Scofield for years...and apparently...according to you, I therefore believe in something like seven (count them) SEVEN different Resurrections??? No...not really. I seriously could care less OR...about eschatology (generally speaking)....I simply don't "foam at the mouth" at ANY interpretation...I only take marginal umbrage at the idea that any reader of the OSRB MUST (by definition) believe in 7 different ressurections...I studied my OSRB....and I identified two, sir...two.. You are the one who "foams at the mouth".....not I, I could not care less what anyone believes about this topic...Again, I am no expert, and I love to hear anyone's take on the topic.
You are not only foaming at the mouth you are misrepresenting what I have posted. I have said nothing about what you believe. I have posted what certain dispensationalist writers apparently believe. Walvoord believes there are or will be a total of seven, count them, seven resurrections. I began the post, #20 as follows:
Actually according to the preeminent theologian of classical dispensationalism, John Walvoord, there are seven resurrections.
I then reproduced Walvoords argument. I said nothing about anyone else believing his argument or his seven resurrections. Apparently, from your response, you went to sleep while reading it. Don't make accusations you cannot support, it is unChristian to do so! Furthermore, I believe that you alone raised the question of the Scofield Reference Bible on this thread [posts#s 16&17]. So ease off there HOS!