Be sure to read the entire article.
Over the past 1,600 years, numerous global pandemics have been the primary causation in the death of nearly 700+ million people. In many instances, upwards of 25% of a country’s population was killed during these pandemics.
Yet at no time during the past 16 centuries has a nation’s healthy population been effectively quarantined and its society been subjected to lockdowns and deliberate economic dislocation. That is until March of 2020 and a laboratory-created respiratory virus with, as it turns out, less than 100 out of 100,000 (0.1%) who contracted Covid-19 dying of Covid-19.
Many among the American and global governing elites willfully chose to follow the lead of their authoritarian soulmates, the Communist Chinese and their choreographed public lockdown of Hubei province (Wuhan) in January of 2020. The elites unleashed their inner tyrant upon their respective societies without questioning why Xi Jinping had instituted a dramatic lockdown (which was fully lifted within 72 days).
They did not wait for any substantive data about the virus despite warnings from numerous renowned doctors and scientists to slow down and wait for more information and rely on traditional public health approaches that had been used successfully in previous respiratory virus outbreaks such as in 1957-59 and 1968-69.
Instead, the ruling elites in the United States, primarily for political and electoral reasons, publicly committed to “eradicating” the virus and touted absurd models that claimed over 2.2 million Americans would die of the virus. Thus, the implementation of unprecedented nationwide economic and societal shutdowns and mandatory masking was the only solution.
Yet at no time during the past 16 centuries has a nation’s healthy population been effectively quarantined and its society been subjected to lockdowns and deliberate economic dislocation. That is until March of 2020 and a laboratory-created respiratory virus with, as it turns out, less than 100 out of 100,000 (0.1%) who contracted Covid-19 dying of Covid-19.
Many among the American and global governing elites willfully chose to follow the lead of their authoritarian soulmates, the Communist Chinese and their choreographed public lockdown of Hubei province (Wuhan) in January of 2020. The elites unleashed their inner tyrant upon their respective societies without questioning why Xi Jinping had instituted a dramatic lockdown (which was fully lifted within 72 days).
They did not wait for any substantive data about the virus despite warnings from numerous renowned doctors and scientists to slow down and wait for more information and rely on traditional public health approaches that had been used successfully in previous respiratory virus outbreaks such as in 1957-59 and 1968-69.
Instead, the ruling elites in the United States, primarily for political and electoral reasons, publicly committed to “eradicating” the virus and touted absurd models that claimed over 2.2 million Americans would die of the virus. Thus, the implementation of unprecedented nationwide economic and societal shutdowns and mandatory masking was the only solution.