Saving the economy is saving the nation, comrade. Wrecking the economy is forcing others to wreck their lives, their livelihoods and their health on the false premise of saving a few lives who through no fault of their own are falling victims to a hyped up pandemic.
It's also a form of collectivism, and of saying there is too high a price for freedom, which is where your Socialism, aka, Communism, aka despotism is coming in.
It is coming to light that China's despotism did little to stop the spread of this virus, and I have posted analysis of your betters that say that lockdowns will do little in the U.S.
What is needed is a response that preserves liberty, infrastructure, essential services and that minimizes the disruption of community life. That means testing, targeted quarantines of epicenters based on real and reliable data, mobilization, surge prep, and treatment.
Great recommendations! I mean they forget that pesky little detail about hospital capacity right now which could be a minor factor in your plan.