God is in control. God is there with us, always. We all die eventually. The passing is easier if we are not alone when it happens. Christians don't have suffer the passing alone, even if no other human is present at the time. God is there. God is in control.
Life is hard. Life is scary. Being a Christian certainly does not mean that we will not suffer or face danger. The more practice we get and the more faith we have, the calmer we remain when facing danger. I have survived the unsurvivable more than once. Now, when I am in danger, I KNOW I might live, no matter how dire the circumstances look.
As Christians we are servants. Our bodies are tools that enable us to serve. We are expected to do our part to maintain them, but we have a Master that has a part in their preservation as well. Each body is a different tool designed to do the work that it is meant to perform. God has already decided what is going to happen to our bodies as a result of the pandemic, but we are NOT to be negligent and we are not to be arrogant and we are not to test him.
For some of us, obedience will mean receiving a vaccine, and for others, it will mean NOT receiving a vaccine. Our bodies are not all the same. The conditions that our bodies will experience will not be the same. How do we know for certain what we are supposed to do? Do the research and pray. Make the best choice you know how to make. Expect to be thwarted if you made the wrong choice IF you made the choice as your best effort to be humble and obedient.
You will be saved from making the wrong choice if your heart is right. Understand the "right" choice is not necessarily the one that will result in comfort or a longer life, but just one that is obedient. The right choice is the one the Father and Master wants for YOU.