ACC-CCA Webinar 3.18.20 (Epidemiology, CVD Treatment & Management)
Notes provided University of Pittsburgh Medical Center FITs: Agnes Koczo, MD, Ricardo Nieves, MD, Amr F. Barakat, MD
As China is getting close to declare victory over COVID-19 (only 10-20 new cases a day across the country), here are some important lessons learned from the Chinese experience:
**Chinese Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 (7th Edition)**
Virology and Epidemiology
· WHO diagnostic criteria (one epidemiological + 2 clinical findings OR 3 clinical findings)
o Epidemiological criteria:
o Clinical criteria:
· Frequency of symptoms and complications:
· Average duration of dyspnea is 13 days, 45% of survivors still had cough on discharge
· Median duration of viral shedding is 20 days (up to 37 days)
COVID vs Influenza
Diagnostic Tests
**COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease**
COVID-19 patients with underlying cardiovascular disease have the highest fatality rate (10.5%)
Mechanisms of Acute Cardiac Damage
· ACE-2-mediated direct cellular damage
· Hypoxia-induced myocardial damage
· Microvascular damage
Clinical Presentations and Complications
Important Final Remarks
Notes provided University of Pittsburgh Medical Center FITs: Agnes Koczo, MD, Ricardo Nieves, MD, Amr F. Barakat, MD
As China is getting close to declare victory over COVID-19 (only 10-20 new cases a day across the country), here are some important lessons learned from the Chinese experience:
**Chinese Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 (7th Edition)**
Virology and Epidemiology
- SARS-CoV-2 à β genus, diameter 60-140 nm
- Shares 79% of nuclear identity of SARS-CoV-1 and 52% of that of MERS
- ACE-2 is the host cell receptor
- Affects alveolar type II cells primarily à lung pathology very similar to SARS and MERS (bilateral diffuse alveolar damage with cellular fibromyxoid exudates)
- Can also affect the heart, the liver, and the kidney
- Disinfection by Ethanol and UV light, not inactivated by Chlorhexidine
- Epidemic started in China, now Europe is the epicenter
- Mortality in China 2.3%, but ~5% in Italy
- Median incubation period 4 – 5.2 days (95% percentile is 12.5 days)
- Main source of infection is asymptomatic infected people
- Route of transmission is respiratory droplets, close contact with asymptomatic infected people, long-term environmental exposure to high viral aerosolized load, possibly fecal transmission too
- R0 2.2 – 2.95 (i.e. one infected person infects on average 2-3 healthy individuals)
· WHO diagnostic criteria (one epidemiological + 2 clinical findings OR 3 clinical findings)
o Epidemiological criteria:
§ H/o travel to (or residence in) high risk areas
§ H/o contact with a confirmed or suspected case
§ Attendance of events where clusters of cases were reported
§ H/o contact with a confirmed or suspected case
§ Attendance of events where clusters of cases were reported
o Clinical criteria:
§ Fever
§ Respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough and dyspnea)
§ Leucopenia/ Lymphopenia (unclear etiology but very characteristic with COVID-19)
§ Respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough and dyspnea)
§ Leucopenia/ Lymphopenia (unclear etiology but very characteristic with COVID-19)
· Frequency of symptoms and complications:
o Fever 98%
o Cough 76% (mostly dry)
o Lymphopenia 63% - lowest at day 7, prolonged lymphopenia poor prognostic sign
o Diarrhea 3%
o Complications: ARDS 29%, acute cardiac injury 12%, AKI 7%, septic shock 7%, secondary bacterial infection 10%
o Cough 76% (mostly dry)
o Lymphopenia 63% - lowest at day 7, prolonged lymphopenia poor prognostic sign
o Diarrhea 3%
o Complications: ARDS 29%, acute cardiac injury 12%, AKI 7%, septic shock 7%, secondary bacterial infection 10%
· Average duration of dyspnea is 13 days, 45% of survivors still had cough on discharge
· Median duration of viral shedding is 20 days (up to 37 days)
COVID vs Influenza
o Similar constellation of symptoms – recommend evaluation with RVP
o Clinically, onset of COVID is slower than influenza which tends to be more abrupt
o Additionally there appears to be less sputum production in COVID as compared to influenza
o Clinically, onset of COVID is slower than influenza which tends to be more abrupt
o Additionally there appears to be less sputum production in COVID as compared to influenza
Diagnostic Tests
- RNA detection (RT-PCR) from nasopharyngeal swab, sputum, lower respiratory tract samples (best yield), blood and feces
- Serum antibody detection (IgM and IgG)
- RNA testing alone has high false negative
- When RNA testing + serum Ab testing à 98% sensitivity
- Some cases tested positive for RNA again after discharge with negative test (unclear significance for now)
- Chest CT
- Bilateral lung involvement
- Peripheral distribution
- Diffuse distribution
- Ground glass opacities (can appear before the clinical onset of illness)
- No septal thickening
- Isolation
- All confirmed and suspected cases (did not specify but seems that they used airborne given use of N95 and mention of negative pressure rooms)
- PPE for healthcare workers à N95 when taking care of suspected or confirmed cases / Surgical masks everywhere else in the hospital (ALL THE TIME)
- Supportive therapy
- Sufficient caloric intake (many patients had hypoproteinemia)
- Water and electrolytes
- Antiviral therapy
- So far, no specific antiviral for SARS-CoV-2
- Steroids
- Controversial
- For 3-5 days only
- Normal temperature for >3 days
- Improvement of respiratory symptoms
- 2 consecutive negative respiratory specimens at least 24 hours apart
**COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease**
COVID-19 patients with underlying cardiovascular disease have the highest fatality rate (10.5%)
Mechanisms of Acute Cardiac Damage
· ACE-2-mediated direct cellular damage
· Hypoxia-induced myocardial damage
· Microvascular damage
Clinical Presentations and Complications
- Arrhythmias (17%)
- Acute cardiac injury (elevated high-sensitivity troponin) (12%)
- Elevated regular troponin or CK-MB (7.2%) à occurs in severe cases (mostly negative in mild and moderate cases) à mortality 49%
- Fulminant myocarditis can occur (they presented a case with regional STE [inferior leads], negative coronary angiogram, initial drop in EF to 27%, and complete recovery with supportive therapy)
- STEMI can also occur as a complication
- Important observations:
- ↓ pericardial adipose tissue correlates with COVID-19 severity
- There may be evidence of chronic cardiovascular damage following COVID-19
Important Final Remarks
- The most dangerous thing about this epidemic from the Chinese perspective is the transmission by asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic infected individuals.
- We learned from Wuhan and Italy that young healthy people can also get severe disease and die
- Many infections in healthcare professionals (in China à 3.8% of the cases are HC workers, of those, 15% were severe/critically ill, 5 deaths)
- Observation from Wuhan is that the rate of co-infection with other respiratory viruses especially influenza is high. Dr Bin Cao said “As if they always came together” when referring to influenza pneumonia and COVID-19. This has huge implications since many US hospital protocols now say that if RVP is +ve then no need to test for SARS-CoV-2.
- Best way to prepare from a hospital perspective is DIAGNOSIS(you need to know who’s infected and who’s not once they present to clinic or ED à RNA testing IMMEDIATELY) – to ensure proper isolation and admission to appropriate wards/ICU.
- Changes to hospitals workflow in Wuhan:
- All outpatient clinics were closed during the epidemic surge
- All outpatient visits were performed virtually or by telephone (if medical attention is needed à ED)
- Marked increase in the use of thrombolysis (vs primary PCI) for STEMI
- Social isolation/ distancing is EFFECTIVE à needs to be done for at least 2-4 weeks
- Best way to think about the situation now is: No more normal life, it’s COVID-19 pandemic life (things that are not normally acceptable or feasible should be now, to face the pandemic)