Craigbythesea, and all you guys who have got nothing better to do than to keen on questioning things about Scripture that you simply do not understand, are you actually believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and an Infallable and Inerrant Holy Bible? I really cannot see how these pointless arguments from so-called "science" can ever said to cause one to grow closer to the Lord Jesus? Why this need to think that the Creation account in Genesis cannot be literal? Why do you dismiss the excellent work of Dr Henry Morris, who has more authority in his little finger on these issues, than all of you guys put togather. Go away and read the Genesis Flood, by Henry Morris and John C Witcombe, and then come back and tell me that what they say is incorrect. I can tell you this now, you will NEVER be able to contradict their sound scholarship. If you people really want to learn about the Truth about Genesis chapter one, then I strongly suggest that you get hold of a copy of a book by Dr Weston W Fields, "Unformed and Unfilled. The Gap Theory", in which he deals with, the days of Creation, the young earth, a detailed study of the Hebrew Grammar, etc. Stop playing the devils advocate by trying to show that you know more than God, and humble yourselves under the Holy Spirit, and learn the Truth from Him.