I think we have about 2500 threads that deal with that very subjectOriginally posted by aefting:
I think the question we need to answer is, How can one corrupt the gospel so that it isn't the gospel any more (as per Gal. 1:6-7)?

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I think we have about 2500 threads that deal with that very subjectOriginally posted by aefting:
I think the question we need to answer is, How can one corrupt the gospel so that it isn't the gospel any more (as per Gal. 1:6-7)?
If you apply that in the manner you're suggesting, then every time a preacher said something that I disagreed with, then I'd have to call him accursed. That would include my own pastor, and like yours as well. If you agree with your pastor all the time, there's a problem. If you think your pastor is right all the time, there's definitely a problem. </font>[/QUOTE]JohnV, "another gospel" is not a matter of just disagreement over certain points, but is a false teaching that changes the message of the gospel. You pointed out how Gal 1.8 specifically deals with the Judaiziers, but we are also warned many times against false teachings elsewhere in the NT, by Jesus and by NT writers. Paul, in Acts 20, said that false teachers would arise from within the church and lead many astray. 1 Timothy talks about those surrounding themselves with teachers who "tickle" their ears. When the gospel is perverted, we should be able to tell it because it no longer matches the gospel of the Bible. We are to denouce teachings that go against the Bible; we are to "contend for the faith."Originally posted by Johnv:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aefting:
John, Paul says in Gal. 1:8, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed."
Do you think that statement applies to any modern day religious leaders? If not Schuller, then who?
Not quite. He's had non-Christians as pulpit guests, but not as speakers. Big difference. I've never seen a non-Christian give the morning message. However, if a non-CHristian had given the morning message, I'd be in agreement with you.Originally posted by A_Christian:
My problem with this man and his ministry is that he has invited people to speak from his platform who were not Christians.
Originally posted by bjonson:
What church do you attend?
Are you Baptist?
Frankly, your unwillingness to acknowledge the heresy of Robert Schuller's beliefs is apalling.
I posted several direct quotes from one of his books on the PDL thread. Did you read it?
Please comment, using his own words, on why you consider him a fellow-laborer for THE FAITH that was delivered to us, especially in light of the fact that he denies sin and hell.
Do you believe anyone is an apostate today?
Sad for you that you paint anyone who disagrees with you with such a broad brush over one issue.If you don't recognize Schuller as one, then you are deficient in discernment or don't know God's word well enough to defend it. I know that is a bold statement but it is true, as any discerning Christian who recognizes Schuller's errors would attest.