The national outrage at Cuomo's handsiness and bullying -- from feminists, Democratic officials, and others who have ignored Joe and Hunter's actual criminal sexual depravity -- and the expiation of sin to follow as he leaves the scene, has made it unlikely that Cuomo will ever face justice for the deliberate murder of roughly 15,000 seniors in New York nursing homes. That is a far more serious charge. Were that case to be unraveled, with evidence, in a court of law or even in a real newspaper, many people besides Cuomo would be in deep trouble. Particularly hard hit would be those for whom he acted in pursuit of unseating Donald Trump in the coming election. So that could not be allowed to happen.
Why do I think those deaths of elderly people in nursing homes were deliberate, and not just incompetence or lack of preparedness, as he has argued? Timing. In March, 2020, as COVID became an issue, the biggest problem associated with it was the lines at New York City-funded hospitals, and the start of a rising death toll. But most states still had zero or only a handful of cases. There were far too few deaths to justify shutting down businesses or schools.
Cuomo was warned about the likely consequences of doing this by, among others, worried nursing home owners, who knew that if they had to house still contagious, recovering patients, COVID would spread like wildfire through their facilities. And, he had good alternatives: President Trump had sent the Naval hospital ship USS Comfort, which remained empty throughout the pandemic, as did the Javits Center, as the elderly and vulnerable were forced to share rooms with known COVID carriers. It is hard to imagine that this was an accident. Even as the death toll began skyrocketing, Cuomo refused to reconsider the policy.
Four other Democratic governors followed suit, using the same tactic, and thousands more in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California subsequently died, allowing Democrats to ramp up the fear that justified a year-long shutdown of work, schools, the economy, and allowed for election practices that enabled mass cheating.
Did Cuomo come up with this evil himself? That seems doubtful. One presumes that conversations took place, directions were given, and immunity was promised. That's my guess.
Lisa Schffren, American Greatness
Someone expresses my exact outrage, thank you.