Well, I feel like I need more knowledge than my Bachelor's program gave me. Also I might eventually like to pastor a larger church. If you don't mind me asking, which SBC seminary accepted LBU credits?
i would caution you on selecting schooling based on what advantage or disadvantage it may be to you gaining a pastorate of a larger assembly.
God is not impressed with bricks and mortar, with displays of fine arts, with large gatherings, with reputations.
He looks for that servant who is dong the bidding irregardless of his place on the field of labor.
A “grip” is one who is in charge of caring for and operating the cameras on a movie set. On the film stage the “key grip” is the supervisor of all the “grips.” No film would be in a theatre without the daily efforts of the “grip.” No star would be prominent without the “grip.”
I give that as an example hoping to show that prominence and importance are not always found in the same person.
I have known a great number of those who had prominence both in the political and the religious endeavors, but few of them had lasting importance.
Therefore, when selecting a school, turn from any aspect of what benefit it might do in terms of recognition and keep the focus on that which is important - the education.
As Paul told Timothy, “study to show yourself approved unto God” for if anyone had attended schools of reputation and importance in striving for advancement it was Paul (Saul). And He knew that such schools may hold and teach error.
Like I posted earlier, go online. Multiple schools offer “open classroom” experience where you can literally view the class sessions and get first hand experience of the teachers and teaching.
Here is one:
Seminary Online | Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS)
Just so you know, importance and prominence may certainly be exampled. The school in the link is were Chuck Swindoll (Insight for Living) and the late J. Vernon McGee (Through the Bible) were schooled as well as many others. Neither person would dispute this post. And there are others, too.
Find that which you consider God would have you invest, then study.
But be warned.
This is a family decision.
Your family must be on board and completely supportive in the endeavor. I have witnessed many tragedies by those who were unaware of the little foxes.
If there is a tendency to drift (Hebrews 2) or an unrepaired crack, the enemy will destroy. For the last thing He desires is another educated believer willing to serve and seeking the Glory of God to be displayed in all they do.