Until people like Buffet pay the same as their secretaries and clerical staff.
You won't achieve that under the current code, as his secretary pays INCOME tax while Buffett pays mostly CAPITAL GAINS tax. The two are separate, and capital gains is a lower percentage because it is intended to keep the wealthy investing in businesses and technologies that will help to grow our economy.
Do you really think that Buffett's secretary paid more in taxes than he did? Or do you just not get how tax percentages work?
The rich paid more back then. Maybe we should raise their taxes to what it was then. There was economic boom back then.
We also had about half the population or less than we do now. In 1945 there were 140-143 million people in the US. In 2010 (the last census) there were 308 million. We've also shifted from mostly agriculture to production to now being a country primarily of financial services. The rules of 1945 economics do not really apply to 2015.
So, why do you oppose a raising the minimum wage?
Do you know what the minimum wage is for? It's for teenagers and low skilled workers. It was never intended to be a living wage. No matter what line the Democrats feed you, no one was intended to raise a family on minimum wage. We've come to accept people making irrational monetary decisions and then expecting the government to take care of them. Rich or poor, that should not be.
The Great Recession under a GOP administration.
The poor are stuck, that is why you must encourage your young people to become educated so they will not become stuck also.
What poor are stuck? When I worked at a small mom-and-pop sign shop in my hometown, my boss told me about his parents in the 1930s and 1940s. When the depression hit, they packed up and moved from Georgia to Ohio chasing jobs. When jobs began to suffer in Ohio, they packed up again and moved to California. They had no trouble chasing work for their families, but now we are supposed to believe that just can't be done anymore?
Less than Warren Buffet and the super rich. At the moment they pay less.
Again, Capital Gaines tax vs. Income tax. Learn the difference.