How many of you in the ministry have ever made little comments just for a positive response? Such as, "God made Adam & Eve - Not Adam & Steve". Anytime a comment like this is made in any church the respose will always be the same. It's just a catchy little comment. Right?
I attended a meeting last night at church where this visiting Preacher began his topic and it soon went in a direction totally opposite of what he had intended.
During his presentation he told of early in his preaching ministry (1980's) he had been invited to speak at a Bible Conference. He went on to tell that in these types of meeting it was customary for all the Elder Preachers to take up the front pews and it was his job to not only impress his elders but to preach a message to all the lay-people in attendance but most of all, he needed to impress all those in attendance with his ability and insights.
In order to break the ice and relieve some of the stress he was under and, to correspond with the message he had planned, he commented that, "God made Adam & Eve - Not Adam & Steve", at which time the Amen's echoed from one end of the church to the other. In short, he had hit the right button and by the end of his service, all were pleased with his preaching.
Fast now forward to 2005. He told of this one particular day when he had received three phone calls from his family all of which brought bad news. I'll spare those details but after arring home that evening and dealing with each of his family members over their respective bad news..., his son comes in and sits down.
Immediately he realized that his 17 year old son had a burden and encouraged him to share. The son broke down and after regaining his composure said, "Dad, I think I'm gay".
He told of being absolutely devestated with this news and after regaing his composure..., his mind flashed back to that earlier comment about "Adam & Steve". He told of hugging his son and the two of them sobbed.
He went on to say that one of the biggest things lacking in today's Churches is praying for one another. For sure, all churches have the "canned prayers" to offer up at every service and he speculated that our Lord is not really impressed.
How many members of your own churches are hurting? Those who won't really share their personal problems but we know they have them. Those dealing with family members who have dropped off the radar screen? Are we concerned about these folks?
Are we praying for these folks? Or are they being left to their own devices? Or, are we just acting the role to make an impression?
The speaker did not expound on his son's current situation so we can only assume he is still in that life-style. What a tragedy. As Christians, we miss the mark.
I attended a meeting last night at church where this visiting Preacher began his topic and it soon went in a direction totally opposite of what he had intended.
During his presentation he told of early in his preaching ministry (1980's) he had been invited to speak at a Bible Conference. He went on to tell that in these types of meeting it was customary for all the Elder Preachers to take up the front pews and it was his job to not only impress his elders but to preach a message to all the lay-people in attendance but most of all, he needed to impress all those in attendance with his ability and insights.
In order to break the ice and relieve some of the stress he was under and, to correspond with the message he had planned, he commented that, "God made Adam & Eve - Not Adam & Steve", at which time the Amen's echoed from one end of the church to the other. In short, he had hit the right button and by the end of his service, all were pleased with his preaching.
Fast now forward to 2005. He told of this one particular day when he had received three phone calls from his family all of which brought bad news. I'll spare those details but after arring home that evening and dealing with each of his family members over their respective bad news..., his son comes in and sits down.
Immediately he realized that his 17 year old son had a burden and encouraged him to share. The son broke down and after regaining his composure said, "Dad, I think I'm gay".
He told of being absolutely devestated with this news and after regaing his composure..., his mind flashed back to that earlier comment about "Adam & Steve". He told of hugging his son and the two of them sobbed.
He went on to say that one of the biggest things lacking in today's Churches is praying for one another. For sure, all churches have the "canned prayers" to offer up at every service and he speculated that our Lord is not really impressed.
How many members of your own churches are hurting? Those who won't really share their personal problems but we know they have them. Those dealing with family members who have dropped off the radar screen? Are we concerned about these folks?
Are we praying for these folks? Or are they being left to their own devices? Or, are we just acting the role to make an impression?
The speaker did not expound on his son's current situation so we can only assume he is still in that life-style. What a tragedy. As Christians, we miss the mark.