The leftist are now indoctrinating grade school children all over the country. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time to dismantle the public school system and give vouchers to all, so that children can learn reading, writing and arithmetic instead of leftist ideology from teachers' unions.
There is no doubt about it.
Step 1 of your process is to get the FEDERAL government out of education. Shut down the Dept of Education and lock the doors. No.... Bring in a ball and crane and knock down the "building". I don't remember reading anything in the Consititution & Bill of Rights that declares education of children to be a federal responsibility.
The states sold their right to govern the education of their children for a bowl of stew. It's time they bought it back, regardless of the price they now have to pay. Once it's back in state's hands, honest God-fearing people must get off their duffs and go to work. Starting at the local school board level and working up, return schools to their intended purpose. Teaching children "reading, writing and arithmetic". That includes a good course in civics written back in the days when we were still recognized as being a REPUBLIC. The days when a child earned a blue ribbon by the sweat of his or her brow. The days when the persuit of happiness did not mean "entitled" to happiness. The days when ethics, morality, responsibility, decency, respect and honesty had meaning.
-- Thank you for allowing me to spend a few moments in wistful thinking.
And to thank God that I graduated from high school in 1964.