Sapper Woody
Well-Known Member
He is one in a long line of pastors who get distracted from their most important task by the allure of trying to be the one who figures out prophecy. And before long his prophecy books will join the others in the 99 cent bargain bin at your local christian book store. I like David Jeremiah and I enjoy listening to some of his sermons. He should stick to preaching the Word.
If he enjoys writing books and studying prophecy, why not? Maybe he's right, and maybe he's wrong in his viewpoints, but that's not what I'm trying to discuss right now.
My point is, if a preacher has a hobby and enjoys playing sports, and watches sports, no one says a thing. If a preacher likes to go camping or hunting, no one says a thing. But if his hobby has something to do with the Bible, (such as studying and writing about prophecy), then "He needs to focus on preaching". Seems like a hypocritical attitude to me. Let them do what they enjoy. He is studying the word, and if he's come to the wrong conclusions, then disagree with him. It's that simple.