Last year, 33 police officers died in the line of duty. That's the lowest it's been since the "Wild West" days of 1887. Overall, line-of-duty deaths of federal, state, local, tribal and territorial officers dropped to 111, the lowest total since 1959. One of those was Officer Patricia Parete of the Buffalo, New York Police Department. She and her partner encountered a belligerent man at a convenience store in 2006, and while trying to calm him down, he pulled a gun and shot Parete, severing her spinal cord. She lay a quadriplegic for seven years before dying last February. Where are your cries for justice for her, since the criminal who shot her got a 30-to-life sentence and is eligible for parole in six more years? But our two resident clowns overlooked her. They were too busy crying over an isolated incident in which the officers involved have been suspended -- something you utterly failed to mention in your post, expecting people to read the article, which most never do.
I get the impression there are a couple of our "esteemed members" on this board who think our police forces are comprised of mindless, knuckle-dragging brutes who roam the streets looking for defenseless and totally innocent people to beat up or shoot, and that tin-foil-wearing nutball who never posts anywhere but the New/Current Events forum and Politics is even worse that the OP of this thread. He reinforces his accusations with reports from Amnesty International that reports American police brutality is a national epidemic and a disgrace to the civilized world in countries like Russia and China.
One has to wonder: What is their solution to this "dilemma"? While passive and kindly cops may be good for Mayberry or whatever podunk town they live in, such officers would be eaten alive in Chicago, Kansas City, Houston, New York, L.A., Atlanta -- you name any big city, such an officer wouldn't last five minutes out there with a Barney Fife routine. While these two "cop bashers" go into great detail listing the recent police shootings and beatings of so-called totally forthright citizens and aliens they utterly fail to state the number of police killed in the line of duty defending their communities. Until last year, more than a hundred officers were killed each year in routine traffic stops, answering the highly perilous domestic violence calls and armed robberies.
Speaking for myself, I really don't care what Amnesty International or any of these other "do-gooder" negative numbskull organizations report. No one in this country elected them to anything, or asked their opinion about us, our police forces, or the state of the American nation. Amnesty International is comprised of idealistic socialist left-wingers, mostly foreigners concerned only with the coddling of criminals. From the air-conditioned security of their "think tanks" it's so easy to be hypercritical of police making life-and-death decisions in a split second every day.
These two clowns who post this garbage on here go into great detail listing local and national cop abuses. So, let's look at a few details these two have overlooked. Anyone reading their drivel would think most of the typical victims of these "abuses" are totally innocent, just walking around the neighborhood listening to the birds sing while exercising their constitutional right to be naked, loud, armed, and/or belligerent. Then out of the blue a white, racist cop with lights flashing roars up and beats them, or worse, shoots them, and stands there to watch them suffer or die. What a load of male bovine excretory matter!
The facts are these: Officers don't go into a situation like that thinking they are going to jump out of their patrol cars and beat up some punk, or draw their guns and shoot somebody. The last thing any police officer wants to do is be involved in an incident like that, particularly a police-involved shooting. It brings negative publicity to their department, even if they are 100% right -- which they almost always are.
Please take note, nutballs, I'm not saying there aren't mistakes made, or that there aren't psychos in police uniforms. The deaf man in Oklahoma City deserves justice, no doubt. But unlike you, I don't think this incident is typical of every circumstance that comes along. You can call me naive, ignorant, a neocon police-stater, whatever, I don't care. Your bellicose blubbering about these incidents is your whiny, irrational, unstable reaction to events that are so rare as to be news because they are the exception, not because they are the rule.
How many citizens died in 2013 at the hands of officers who were later found to be in the wrong? Exactly two, out of 304 police-involved shootings in 2013. Both those officers are facing manslaughter or murder charges. So to the two arrogant clowns who continually post this scum, kindly put it somewhere out of the light, because it's utter garbage, and that's putting it nicely.