I did not read past the OP in this thread. But for a long long time, I have been bewildered that forum moderation and administration allows trolls to consistently derail thread after thread, inhibiting any actual discussion of scripture. They disparage the poster rather than the position. They misrepresent the position of others, creating strawman arguments to score against. For example, I say because we have eternal life spiritually, in heaven we may eat to enjoy, but will not need to eat to sustain life. The response is to imply I said no eating will occur in heaven. With such behavior, discussion of scripture is impossible.
We have posted rules, yet they are not enforced. I have been called a liar in multiple posts recently, yet no action was taken.
How many times has a Calvinist leaning poster posted something obviously off the mark, yet no other Calvinist leaning poster refutes the error? The unchristian behavior is systemic.