this is good.....
I have seen my share of dysfunctional families in my career. For three years I ran a county wide alcohol and drug counseling program and I was amazed with the people there for help.
I was also involved in some community based counseling programs, and working three evenings a week [in three different communities] as a crisis counselor for Parents Anonymous for four years, I had my share of folks like you speak of., and a good number of these parents had alcohol and drug issues!
And what was even sadder, was the fact that these parents were there because the courts ordered them there due to child abuse, and the courts giving them second, third and fourth chances to keep their families together.
Even so, I would be remiss if I didn't mention how dysfunctional the world we now life in, has become? And once again it is often that way because of alcohol and drug abuse. And I have to wonder if some of the rage and anger on this board is not also caused by the same evil?
It is easy to become frustrated, and dismayed, to the point where we throw up our hands and just walk away! However, that is where being a believer comes into focus. We have a responsibility to pray for these folks, and to confront them, even if confronting is met with anger and long term hostility! We do not need to play their games, which is why Jesus said to shake the dust from your sandals and move on, but we have a moral responsibility to the potential victims, and if that means turning an abusive personality over to the law enforcement folks or welfare, that is just some avenues we have to use as tools to remedy this kind of behavior.
There is also a great tool where the family and friends come together and confront the person! Granted it can end two ways. Alienating them further, or their admission for the need to get help!
I grieve with you CD, because I have witnessed some similar behaviors in my own family, and the walls still remain, even though I've attempted to reach beyond those walls. Dysfunctional families is not uncommon, but remember that the dysfunction is rooted in the sin nature and evill itself!