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The question was asked:
Should I wonder if I were truly saved since I swear now more than ever?
Dear Professing Christian Who Swears Now More Than Ever:
Unlike the false assurance given you by Dr. John R. Rice, the Bible gives no such claim.
You have good cause to question your salvation.
There is no magical formula to recite or ritual to perform or membership to join which will guarantee you are now a child of God.
The Bible teaches the necessity of true sorrow for your sin.
The Bible teaches the necessity of trusting in the biblical Jesus for all things, including forgiveness of sins.
Furthermore, the Bible teaches the necessity of the new birth from above by the Spirit.
This spiritual birth is the gift of God which cannot be earned or bought.
In fact, all the spiritual gifts are from God, including repentance and faith to trust in Christ.
Currently, you are exhibiting the life of a man still very much walking in the flesh, fearlessly taking the Lord’s name in vain along with other profanities.
We call this common phenomenon the testimony of the ‘carnal Christian.’
A carnal Christian is one who professes Jesus Christ as Savior, yet does not exhibit the necessary characteristics of a biblical Christian.
By that I mean he is unregenerate, devoid of the Spirit, claiming to be that which he is not.
Jesus and His Apostles have written countless examples of this phenomenon, as have innumerable Christians throughout the Church Age.
There are three types of carnal unregenerate professing Christians:
1. The superficial who make an initial profession and then continue on with their lives as usual.
2. The moderately religious who now read the Bible and are involved in church, making an outward show of their religiosity.
3. The very religious. These are pastors and church leaders who garner the respect of their less religious congregants.
Jesus is emphatic that Christians have discernment in detecting the true Christian from the false.
The fruit of their lives, as well as the fruit of their beliefs and teachings are to be considered.
Paul warns of false apostles who minister under the authority of Satan, who poses as an Angel of Light.
However, consider this Scripture:
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
Jesus promises the Elect, those freely chosen by the Father for salvation, will not ultimately be deceived, though the deception will be powerful.
So my prayer is that you be not deceived:
For without holiness no man will see the Lord.
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Carnal Christians refuse to lose their carnal life.
May you not continue to be counted among them.
Should I wonder if I were truly saved since I swear now more than ever?
Dear Professing Christian Who Swears Now More Than Ever:
Unlike the false assurance given you by Dr. John R. Rice, the Bible gives no such claim.
You have good cause to question your salvation.
There is no magical formula to recite or ritual to perform or membership to join which will guarantee you are now a child of God.
The Bible teaches the necessity of true sorrow for your sin.
The Bible teaches the necessity of trusting in the biblical Jesus for all things, including forgiveness of sins.
Furthermore, the Bible teaches the necessity of the new birth from above by the Spirit.
This spiritual birth is the gift of God which cannot be earned or bought.
In fact, all the spiritual gifts are from God, including repentance and faith to trust in Christ.
Currently, you are exhibiting the life of a man still very much walking in the flesh, fearlessly taking the Lord’s name in vain along with other profanities.
We call this common phenomenon the testimony of the ‘carnal Christian.’
A carnal Christian is one who professes Jesus Christ as Savior, yet does not exhibit the necessary characteristics of a biblical Christian.
By that I mean he is unregenerate, devoid of the Spirit, claiming to be that which he is not.
Jesus and His Apostles have written countless examples of this phenomenon, as have innumerable Christians throughout the Church Age.
There are three types of carnal unregenerate professing Christians:
1. The superficial who make an initial profession and then continue on with their lives as usual.
2. The moderately religious who now read the Bible and are involved in church, making an outward show of their religiosity.
3. The very religious. These are pastors and church leaders who garner the respect of their less religious congregants.
Jesus is emphatic that Christians have discernment in detecting the true Christian from the false.
The fruit of their lives, as well as the fruit of their beliefs and teachings are to be considered.
Paul warns of false apostles who minister under the authority of Satan, who poses as an Angel of Light.
However, consider this Scripture:
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
Jesus promises the Elect, those freely chosen by the Father for salvation, will not ultimately be deceived, though the deception will be powerful.
So my prayer is that you be not deceived:
For without holiness no man will see the Lord.
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Carnal Christians refuse to lose their carnal life.
May you not continue to be counted among them.