33 States/Commonwealths feel one way
What % of Americans believe in the Death Penalty
Does it make a difference if the term Capital Punishment is used instead of Death Penalty
I answered other because each case is unique and the life of a human being is at stake. The first thing I dismissed was the choice of murdering public officials. They are no more or less important than any other living human being. I also dismissed your choice of all murders because some are IMO justified, like the countless women in prison that murdered their husbands after years of physical abuse. Lots of murders are committed in the heat of anger.
I think the standard of the death penalty should be more along the lines of the cruelty, meanness, and evil of the act instead of the type of crime. For example, if a person similar to the Bernie Madoff case has ruined countless lives from pure greed, not giving the needs of those people one thought, and they number in the thousands, I think that case warrants consideration of the death penalty. How many lives were hurt, maybe something as simple as medical care needed, but they do not have the money because he stole it. Maybe someone died from a lack of the money he stole.
How about someone who betrays this country (in peace or war time) and puts thousands, if not millions of lives in danger from some type of enemy or terrorist attack. That deserves the death penalty.
I think a drunk driver that kills a bus load of children on a school outing should be executed, no questions asked. Our drunk driving laws are way too lax. I think drug dealers who have sold a certain amount of drugs that effects hundreds or thousands of lives, especially if they are near a school or children, should be executed. Of course, it would be up to each state to set their own standards.
I think thugs who are involved in some type of sexual trade or barter of children or run a prostitution ring with children under 18 should be executed.
There are certain crimes of murder that are so vile, the method, that should be executed. Of course, the laws presently on the books should be kept.
My point is that we use the death penalty for the crime of murder only for the most part. I think these other crimes I mentioned, when they affect lots of folks for the rest of their lives, warrant the death penalty. Also, as a side note, the decades of appeals need to be reformed to make justice swift and sure.