I know someone is going to pick this apart cause its already happened to me numerous times on here, but Im use to it, cause I speak with atheists on myspace all the time. My question is Why do we argue so fiercely and degrading to fellow believers over trivial subjects. I love to debate as much as the next but geeze wheres the dignity. Ive been to a couple threads on here and the way we speak to each other is like we all hate each other. Do we forget that Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, and anything else isnt going to add up to a hill of beans in heaven. Did we forget that while were all in here biting each others heads off theres a dying world out there. Why is it when we disagree on something its eather the other person is of the world or a pharasee. Saying all that to say this if i was not a Christian and stumbled in here Id never want to be a Christian if what we represent is all this hate. Think about it. But as Ive had pointed out to me in here maybe Im wrong cause after all Im immature in the faith and only been a Christian for two years now so what do I know.