First, the point is not that everyone "can." Everyone does, and they can't help themselves. They will sin. There is nothing they can do about it. What does the Scripture say:Anyone CAN sin, as in the free option is there. Everyone has sinned and this can be forgiven.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
--No one is excluded.
Jeremiah 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
--The Ethiopian cannot change the color of his skin; the leopard cannot change his spots, and you cannot stop your sinning. It is impossible.
Ecclesiastes 7:20 For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.
--Every one sins. They can't help it.
Now what makes you think that you are any different? Are you more righteous than everyone else in the world?
Secondly, How do you know God will forgive you? What is the basis of your belief? Does God just forgive anyone?
It is like this. If I drive 40 miles per hour over the speed limit and the police pull me over and question me. Why I was going so fast. No matter what I say, I have no excuse. I have broken the law. I have sinned. I must pay the penalty according to the law. But what if I say something like this: "Please forgive me according to your mercy. Have mercy. Don't give me this ticket. I have obeyed all your laws in the past: stopped at every stop light, kept the speed limit previously, etc. I will never do it again. I promise. Forgive me, I beg you. Have mercy.
What do you think the reaction that police officer would have? IMO, he would think you are crazy. He will not forgive you!! You have broken the law. You must pay the penalty.
God is the same way. You must pay the penalty for sin. He is just not going to forgive you because you ask forgiveness. There is a basis for forgiveness. As with our justice system there is someone who may pay your ticket for you. It is possible in God's sight for someone to pay the price of your crime for you. But you cannot go absolutely free. There is a price to be paid for your sin--all sin.
No they don't. They are slaves to sin. They have a sin nature. They are like the Ethiopian and the leopard. They cannot change.But everyone has the free option to never sin again.
Faith has nothing to do with it. You don't have the power to keep you out of sin. You sin every day and you know it. You simply need to confess it. The fact that you don't exposes your sin of arrogance and pride which are sins in themselves.The difference between You and I, Darrell is when we both pray to God to keep us out of sin you don't have the faith nor belief that he really could.