This is the 3rd time I've tried to post this... so appreciate it!!!
(It wouldn't let me post the links... not sure why)
Let me illustrate what I mean with the discipline of Biblical theology (a burgeoning field)
There are entry level lay books for the pew-sitter: Hamilton's What is Biblical Theology and Alexander's From Eden to New Jerusalem (though this one could be for the next one as well)
There are undergrad or grad level intros: The Drama of Scripture or Understanding Biblical Theology by Klink and Lockett
Then there are scholarly tomes written for experts or advanced studies: Child's Biblical Theology, Barr's The Concept of Biblical Theology, or The Ways of Our God: An Approach to Biblical Theology by Scobie
If you notice, the length is similar in the first two categories. But the intended audience is different as well as how it might be used (in a classroom or not). The third is much longer and the audience is for experts or advanced students doing research in the field. Only the 3rd category is a truly "deep read". IMO anyhow.