salzer mtn
Well-Known Member
There is something that has been bothering me for a long time about the church I have been attending for the last ten years. It is a Sovereign grace church that believes the five points of Cal. I guess I would have joined several years ago but for this one thing that the pastor and I can't agree on. The pastor was saved under a woman's ministry as a young man in the CoG, therefore when he converted to the doctrines of grace and continued to preach, but just a different gospel he totally denies he was ever saved in the beginning. Now he preaches only those that hear a sovereign grace message under a sovereign grace preacher can be saved. He uses Paul as the example as Paul counted everything he believed in before his conversion as dung. I have tried to explain to the pastor a convert can grow in grace and the knowledge of the truth but he say's until a person believes God is sovereign in salvation, meaning God gives it to whom he will, that person don't know Christ. Part of his definition of baptism is, the candidate is denying his previous confession of faith. For this division we have I am looked on by him and the church as one that has not repented of my former works. I will never recant of my salvation, as in my mind it would be the same as blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Is this some of the beliefs of Lordship salvation, the pastor say's Christ is all to you or nothing at all, there is no grey in between.