LadyEagle, here:
Sapper, Thank you for what you do in service to our nation. But, by the way, I give you permission to derail this thread and carry on this discussion.
Same with you, poncho. I would rather have this thread derailed than to have most of the other threads derailed. And as long as the discussion remains civil and kind and no personal attacks, I will keep this thread open, even past the 10 page limit, if necessary.
Secondly, poncho, I do agree with a lot of what you say, and thank you for apologizing on this thread.
Now, as I see it, the problem is with the politicians. They lie to us.
And one of the reasons for so much confusion is that they haven't followed the Constitution - Congress has not made a formal declaraton of war since WW2.
We had no business in Viet Nam. Politicians got us there. We had no business in Iraq or Afghanistan let alone "nation building" while fighting a war. Policies of politicians got us there, based on bad intel and pressure from lobbyists (Iraqi National Congress for one).
The American people, like me, are sick of war. We are sick of seeing our money thrown into wars and nation building and foreign "aid" to people who hate us. Libya was a prime example of us arming "rebels" who were some of the same people who were fighting against our troops in Iraq. The American people are sick of seeing caskets coming home (notice how they are never seen on TV? Why do you think there is a government/news blackout on our fallen? Not because of the families, a few maybe, but the politicians know there would have been such a clamor from the American people over it, they decided to cover it up as much as possible. Oh, how nice the presidents do the dutiful thing and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown every Memorial Day. All the while they send our troops into wars that have no Constitutional basis..)
It is all very disgusting. I don't blame the military. I blame the politicians. They all tell us that our military is needed to "protect our foreign interests" but the truth is our military is being used as cannon fodder to protect the globalists, and on that, you are right, poncho. But I don't blame our military. Because our military doesn't care if if the CIC is a Democrat and the creepist fellow on the planet or a Republican and the creepiest fellow on the planet. They follow orders. It is not the military's fault that gays are allowed to be open in the military and that the DOD celebrated Gay Pride recently. That falls under the political appointment, the Secretary of Defense who is carrying out the orders of the current president. Politicians once again. The Root of all Evil.
The focus of the criticism is the politicians, not the military.
Again, some have commented that our military is corrupt. I don't believe the average soldier is corrupt. But if so, the corruption starts at the top, with the CIC and the politicians on both sides that get us into these unnecessary wars.
I agree with you, poncho, on a lot of what you say. But unlike you, I do believe there are people who want to kill us and destroy our nation (and they say so, they call us the Great Satan). The corruption part? Yes, those same people have infiltrated our military as evidenced at Fort Hood. Our politicians and military leaders are too concerned about being politically correct. Corruption? Yes, our politicians on both sides of the aisle have made investments in companies with military contracts and gotten rich off of them (insider trading - what you and I would be in prison for) when they knew they would be voting on funding, etc.
Yes, poncho. There is corruption, but it lies with our leaders from both parties. Not with the troops. Over and out.