I feel this needs to be further discussed. My hat is off to everyone that served. regardless of the job, rank, branch, or combat. I have no problems with differences of opinions over if a war was just, if we should have fought in it, etc. I have a major problem with those who did not serve having an agenda of bitterness against those who did serve, especially those in combat. They risked their lives for the right for you to post your cry baby posts.
In my opinion, not my humble opinion, the democrat/leftist party in this country has tried to destroy the military since WWII. I recall McGovern talking about getting on his knees to get peace in Vietnam. I recall him and like minded democrats pushing for unilateral nuclear disarmament in the face of the Soviet Union. If these people had their way the hammer and sickle would be flying over this country now.
Obama and his leftist allies are well on the way to accomplishing what those people could not, primarily because of the stupid agreement the super[stupid]committee reached.
House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon has warned if the cuts are too deep the Pentagon may have to reintroduce the draft. A memo prepared by Republicans on that committee shows how the the country's overall unemployment rate would rise if these severe defense cuts are triggered.
Nearly 200,000 soldiers and Marines would be let go, and the Armed Service Committee members warn that at least 25 percent of the military's civilian workforce would be furloughed, eliminating at least 200,000 jobs.
And finding employment for returning veterans will be difficult, they warn. The national unemployment rate is currently 9 percent, but unemployment for Iraq and Afghan war vets is 22 percent, and it is 41 percent for wounded vets.
If the deficit super committee fails to reach an agreement, the number of Army battalions will go from 100 to about 60 battalions. The number of Navy ships will go from 288 to 238 - a reduction of two Aircraft Carrier Battle groups. The Air Force would lose more than 400 fighter jets and about 34 strategic bombers.
The biggest jobs cuts would be in Virginia, Texas and California -- where the defense industry supports local economies. Such cuts in the short term may cut the debt but would also cause the national unemployment rate to rise significantly, according to Pentagon officials.
Defense spending will soon be at its lowest level, as a portion of the overall federal budget, since before World War II. The Obama administration has ordered the Pentagon cut its budget by $465 billion over the next decade. In the next two years the Pentagon budget is slated to fall by 10 percent, even without sequestration or the punishment that is automatically triggered if the super committee fails to find a compromise and other savings.
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