Did you read my post? I am not discussing Christ alone but the trinity doctrine. I have books on all persons of the Trinity and also on the Trinity directly.
A.T. Robertson says of Romans 1:20 and the word "Godhead"
θειοτης is from θειος (from θεος) quality of θεος and corresponds more to Latin divinitas from divus, divine. In #Col 2:9 Paul uses θεοτης (Latin deitas from deus)
deity, both old words and nowhere else in the N.T. θεοτης is Divine Personality, θειοτης, Divine Nature and properties (Sanday and Headlam).
Paul argues that the "Godhead" or the divine nature and properties is revealed in God's creation.
The Universe is triune in nature - space, matter and time and each of these are triune in nature.
The universe is ONE universe and it ceases to be existent without each of its triune characteristics. No Space, no universe. No matter, no universe, no time, no universe.
The same is true with Space as Space is length, breadth and depth. Remove one and space ceases to exist. We are not speaking of mathmatical definitions of space.
The same is true with time as time is past, present and future. Remove one and time ceases to exist.
The same is true with matter as matter is energy, motion and form. Remove on and matter cease to exist.