[Quote and response to snipped material]
First, almost every thread here has many different conversations and directions. Second, my points were much more on topic than many of the other posters in that thread and others. Third, there were many posters contributing to the direction of that thread. [response to snipped material]
I think we agree here on principle Luke. [snip] plase allow me to try to say the same thing in a bit more "kind" manner and see if you can agree.
To say "you ought not to talk about it" suggests that people can't ask questions, disagree, or engage in conversation about matters they aren't studied in, but how else are they to learn if they don't engage in conversation about new topics?
I think what you mean is that people who haven't studied a particular subject should NOT speak as if they are an authority on the matter. They shouldn't pretend to know more than they do. Then they should seek to learn through discussion, study and engaging the topic.
Would you agree thus far?
That post was not answered by Luke, but was ignored. My second post was in response to Matt Wade's question regarding God's role in man's desire for scholarship, which Luke dismissed as a red herring and to that post Luke DID respond.
So, he neglected the post above, which is in specific response to the OP, and replied to my defense of Matt (it takes two to tango).
I simply asked,
"How God's influence on one's scholarship and desire to speak is a red herring and unrelated to this discussion? Do you just not want to bring God's influence in on this discussion so you can continue to rebuke men for not desiring what God has casually determined them not to desire?" And low and behold, once again, Luke didn't ignore the posts where I followed up on Matt's question. In fact, he rebutted saying, "Stick with whether or not scholarship is absolutely necessary if one is to teach others things that impact their immortal souls." And I replied asking,
"How can you speak of the necessity of something without discussing its necessary origin?" Which I still feel is a valid question and clearly related to the subject at hand, but I will not pursue it any further so I can't be falsely accused of "hijacking" a thread again. I think we can all see why Luke would want to avoid that particular point in regard to this topic. I'll leave it at that. [Snip]
[response to snipped material]