Talking of churches, I believe there are distinctive markers of a true christian biblical New Testament assembly that God would call His own.
* Believing the bible is the Word of God inerrant and infallible all sufficient rule of practice
* Believing in the trinity-- One God in three persons/substances/essences
* Believing in baptism by full immersion of only those who are saved in the first place
* No pedobaptism
* The independence of the church - seperate from control by any other church and seperate from the government
* Salvation by grace thru faith in Christ that cannot be undone
* The deity of Christ
* Observance of the Lord's supper and tithing
* Jesus as the Head
* Offices of Pastors and Deacons
* The nature of 'the church' being a local NT assembly and not universal.
* Faith hope and love the remaining abiding gifts of the Holy Spirit
This is obviously not what everyone believes on this site.. or in all christendom but..
If there are distinctive markers that make up a church God would call His own.. what of all other churches that say they are one of God's churches but differ on these markers?
One line of reasoning goes that God can still use other groups that don't have these markers but wouldn't call them His churches.
Another is that there are less distinctive markers that a church would have that God would call His-- eg..
The deity of Christ
Salvation thru Christ
Independence of church and state
So.. my question is.. where do you draw the line at a local church that God would say-- yes.. that is mine. .I will be there with that church in the midst as they assemble and --
Where God would say.. that is off beam.. I will not be there as the Holy Spirit in the midst.
* Believing the bible is the Word of God inerrant and infallible all sufficient rule of practice
* Believing in the trinity-- One God in three persons/substances/essences
* Believing in baptism by full immersion of only those who are saved in the first place
* No pedobaptism
* The independence of the church - seperate from control by any other church and seperate from the government
* Salvation by grace thru faith in Christ that cannot be undone
* The deity of Christ
* Observance of the Lord's supper and tithing
* Jesus as the Head
* Offices of Pastors and Deacons
* The nature of 'the church' being a local NT assembly and not universal.
* Faith hope and love the remaining abiding gifts of the Holy Spirit
This is obviously not what everyone believes on this site.. or in all christendom but..
If there are distinctive markers that make up a church God would call His own.. what of all other churches that say they are one of God's churches but differ on these markers?
One line of reasoning goes that God can still use other groups that don't have these markers but wouldn't call them His churches.
Another is that there are less distinctive markers that a church would have that God would call His-- eg..
The deity of Christ
Salvation thru Christ
Independence of church and state
So.. my question is.. where do you draw the line at a local church that God would say-- yes.. that is mine. .I will be there with that church in the midst as they assemble and --
Where God would say.. that is off beam.. I will not be there as the Holy Spirit in the midst.