This is BEFORE the report is released!.
"Lawmakers say they need the underlying evidence — including interviews, documents and material turned over to the grand jury — because the Justice Department has maintained that a president cannot be indicted, and also that derogatory information cannot be released about people who have not been charged. So if the investigation did find evidence incriminating against Trump, they may not be able to release it, under their own guidelines.
The Democrats say that it could be tantamount to a cover-up if the department did not let Congress and the public know what they found"
Democratic demands set up battle over Mueller report
“The fact that this investigation takes place within the justice Department which Donald Trump essentially controls and that he got rid of the problem, Jeff Sessions, who the one decent thing that he did was just recuse himself, this guy is not recused, it feels like the seeds of a cover-up are here,” she said. (RELATED: Rachel Maddow Spends Opening Segment About Mueller Report On Verge Of Tears)
Joy Reid: Mueller Report Conclusion ‘Feels Like The Seeds Of A Cover-Up’
Don't cover up Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation. We need to know everything he finds.
Presidents have no right to control investigations or commit crimes. Americans must see Mueller's report to judge his conclusions and Trump's deeds.
Don't cover up Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation. We need to know everything he finds.
"Lawmakers say they need the underlying evidence — including interviews, documents and material turned over to the grand jury — because the Justice Department has maintained that a president cannot be indicted, and also that derogatory information cannot be released about people who have not been charged. So if the investigation did find evidence incriminating against Trump, they may not be able to release it, under their own guidelines.
The Democrats say that it could be tantamount to a cover-up if the department did not let Congress and the public know what they found"
Democratic demands set up battle over Mueller report
“The fact that this investigation takes place within the justice Department which Donald Trump essentially controls and that he got rid of the problem, Jeff Sessions, who the one decent thing that he did was just recuse himself, this guy is not recused, it feels like the seeds of a cover-up are here,” she said. (RELATED: Rachel Maddow Spends Opening Segment About Mueller Report On Verge Of Tears)
Joy Reid: Mueller Report Conclusion ‘Feels Like The Seeds Of A Cover-Up’
Don't cover up Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation. We need to know everything he finds.
Presidents have no right to control investigations or commit crimes. Americans must see Mueller's report to judge his conclusions and Trump's deeds.
Don't cover up Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation. We need to know everything he finds.