Texas Democrats Seek To Ban Christianity Using So-Called Anti-Discrimination Laws
The 86th Texas legislative session got underway a few weeks ago, and liberals are already going on the offense in the traditional conservative stronghold. Left-leaning legislators have formed Texas’ first LGBTQ caucus while promising a “transformative” agenda. This includes a number of proposed “sexual orientation and gender identity” laws (SOGI) that would attack people of faith so aggressively that they can justifiably be described as “Ban the Bible” bills.
These bills would create new government power and protections that ban the free expression of biblically grounded beliefs, especially teaching on marriage and sexuality.
A third bill, H.B. 517, would allow the government to punish counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, or any other mental health providers licensed by the state who help people from a Christian perspective. If these providers in any way discourage homosexual behavior, or the desire for a “gender transition” (including at the request of the client), they would face disciplinary action by a regulatory committee.
And I would add that in these cases it is really the freaks who want to change the sexual orientation of the child, which was established when it was conceived.This bill frames the issues as “unprofessional conduct by mental health providers who attempt to change the sexual orientation of a child.”