The problem is this: the claim that "Dems love abortion" is simply wrong.
I know it.
You know it.
You can cherry-pick all you want - it is obviously not true that Democrats in general love abortion. They may ardently and passionate advocate for the right to have an abortion but, of course, that does not mean they love abortion any more than one who passionately advocates for the right to suicide loves death.
The issue is confusing people with platforms.
The DNC platform is pro-abortion, some do celebrate abortion while others oppose it (while supporting it secondary to whatever reason they support the DNC).
Trump encourages everybody to be vaccinated, took credit for the vaccines and "Operation Warp Speed", and stated that all three vaccines are effective against covid.
But this does not mean every Trump supporter is a supporter of covid vaccinations. Neither does it mean every person who voted for Trump last election was voting for his plan to expedite vaccines to American citizens.
But, as you have probably noticed by now, the most vocal "anti-whatevers" are often the most hypocritical when the shoe is on the other foot.