If I was a taxpayer in that county I'd be upset that this cop is wasting my tax dollars. If he wants to do that on his own time, go for it.
As a husband, the guy better get off my lawn and leave it to me.
So, as a Christian who's supposed to help people do things that they can't do for themselves, such as this mother who's struggling to mow her yard while holding on to her baby, you'd consider what this deputy sheriff did for her as "wasting my tax dollars."
As one who knows that all law enforcement officers who are on duty also carry small hand-held police radios in their pockets when they leave their patrol cars for any reason, this deputy is only a hand's reach away from communicating with his dispatcher if he needs to respond to an emergency, I see what he did is merely part of his oath to protect
AND SERVE his community.
I guess your interpretation of serving is different than mine.
And also, how are you certain that her husband is anywhere near his home, his wife and child. My own brother spent over 30 years as a coordinator for fund raising for the American Heart Association--a job that required him to be at places hundreds of miles away from home, often for weeks at a time.
IOW, it was nearly impossible for him to maintain his yard so that his neighborhood HOA wouldn't fine him several dollars to maintain his yard to their standards. His wife, my SIL, had a bone disease that made it impossible for her to use their lawnmower. Fortunately one of his neighbors was, in fact, a policeman for that town's police department. Guess what he did? Yep, the very same thing the deputy sheriff in the OP did--mowed my brother's big yard. When my SIL pulled out her purse to pay him for mowing the yard, he refused and told her, "Keep your money. That's what we policemen do for the people in this town of ours....we protect
There are some things that, to me, you just can't put a price tag on. One of these is, what Jesus Himself said: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"--- Matthew 22:39b.
IMHO that's exactly what the deputy sheriff in the OP, and what my brother's policeman did for him and my invalid SIL.
Sorry you feel this way about this.