Originally posted by rc:
The purpose of God drawing IS the ENABLING... your problem is they WILL be raised in the last day...
He says "HE who COMES to Me I will in no wise cast out"
AND He says "NO one CAN Come to me UNLESS they are drawn".
It does not say that "ALL who are drawn MUST accept Christ".
The promise is for those who choose to "come".
This is the same as we see in Rev 3- the promise of fellowship is not given to those that have Christ knocking at the door - because he is there knocking for all - but it is only for those who hear AND choose to OPEN.
So we see in John 1 "To as many as RECEIVED him...".
and of John 12? ... Read it in context... first of all it is NOT in context with John 6 but this doesn't even matter.
Actually it is - it is the same author same book talking about the same concept of "drawing".
IT is one thing to know that Drawing is ESSENTIAL to being "ABLE" to come to Christ it is another to discover that God is "DRAWING ALL". The author tells us BOTH are true in the SAME book.
The same term, same author same book combination make for a strong "context" argument.
In verse 19 it shows the Pharisees where there.. they stated "The whole WORLD has gone after Him!"
(did the WHOLE world go after Him? ... NO) This is the mindset of the racially minded Jews.
There is never a contextual basis to assume that Christ has the mindset of Pharisees. But they are prone to exagerate to make their point ( A Jewish custom I think). Christ's response is not "exageration in kind" as you seem to imply.
When HE says ALL and leaves it unqualified - it is "truth" not merely frustrated exageration.
In verse 20 John goes OUT OF THE WAY to state that the GREEKS were there.
No doubt but he never makes ANY attempt to say that "ALL" may be "reduced to a few greeks and a hand full of Jews"! In fact he goes the OPPOSITE direction and argues that it is an UNQUALIFIED "all" that is drawn.
Christ uses the fact of gentiles/foreigners coming to him -- resonding to his ministry as a launching point to make the case that in fact He is DRAWING ALL - not just Jews as if the Jews had some corner on salvation.
Christ's point is not the SELECTIVE or RESTRICTIVE nature of the drawing but the ALL ENCOMPASSING scope that by contrast to Jewish prejudice embraces ALL.
So, no problem here.... you on the other hand either have to give up this nonsense or become a universalist...
This again is a false either or fallacy. Since Christ did not say "ALL who are drawn MUST come to Me" (and neither does any other text of scripture) the result is that ALL are DRAWN and that ALL "CAN come to ME" because only those drawn CAN COME.
This is devastating to the Calvinist position so it tries to "insert" the idea that "ALL drawn MUST come". It just is not in the text.
John 12 is devasting to the case for Calvinism. The fact that it is the same author, same book making the SAME point about the DRAWING of God - only seals the deal!
In Christ,