I guess my question is with the language of "re-generate" as I would think that would only apply to those following the advent of Christ. I completely agree that there were most certainly devout believing jews and of course non-participants, and everything in between. But myself, being of the "synergistic" bent, would say that this primarily is still within the realm of mans choices. Yes I agree, how could I not, that God says HE would keep 7000 who would not bow to baal, He is God and certainly capable and permitted to do whatever HE does, even so, in my mind it is in now way detrimental to man being obligated to choose to love, honor and follow YHWH.
I guess I did not completely understand your question.
If God is going to maintain a remnant, how can He be so confident in that assertion if the fulcrum of salvation is man's choice? God was not playing the odds,
hoping that His planned remnant would survive. How could He know there would be a remnant unless it was something God decreed? If God decrees, "I am going to have a remnant, but it depends on some individuals choosing to be part of it" how is that really a decree?
Isaiah 14:27 27 "For the LORD of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it? And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back?"
Actually, this verse from Isaiah is a great proof-text against the argument that God changes His mind. But I digress.
If God decrees something it must, by necessity, come to pass. If it must come to pass than no man can thwart it (Job 42:2). Yet, we know that man does play a roll in a godly remnant being preserved. Monergists agree with synergists that man chooses God with his free will. Where we separate with synergists is that we believe man's will has been liberated
first by God (Eph. 2:4, 5). Once liberated man chooses God freely. Ergo, the integrity of God's decree is maintained.