==That is a terrible idea. The 17th century Puritans had a version of public schools as have other Christians in American history. The Puritan focus on education put them years ahead of others. The schools are not the problem. The problem is the federal government getting involved. Leave the public schools to the states, cities, and counties and things will get better.
I agree that schools are necessary. I just don't think government should be involved in them at all. I think each local community should create and support its own school. A state, city, or local government does not need to be involved. A group of parents just need to work together and develop how they would like to deal with schooling in their small, local, neighborhood. This may consist of parents pooling together money to pay a teacher to teach their children. This could consist of the parents deciding that one of them will be the teacher and the other parents will just help out with supplies and such. It could mean many different things, but should be decided at that local level. The moment government is involved, bureaucracy becomes involved and problems start.