The blood of Jesus was shed to atone for sin: He shed his precious blood for our salvation.
I found one verse, which I think I may have stumbled on.... having recalled it out of the context in which it is written Romans 8;22 "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain togerthe until now."
Jesus saves us through the shedding of his blood.... but creation and all of man's works continue under the curse. Because of our steward ship, we have some duty to honor God by taking care of the gifts and responsibilities which he's placed within our power.....however, God is the one we honor and glorify and not ourselves or those things in this world which we use or enjoy. The great commission is to promote the gospel.....not environmentalism... The former glorifies the Father through the Son....... the latter promotes creation; earth, air, plants and creatures over the one who made us....... it denys the sovereignty of God and His power and our trust in His providencs and promotes worship of 'things'.