Well-Known Member
All those words and not one sentence showing the agreement between NATO and Russia not to expand eastward which was claimed to have been violated. Nothing about the Ukrainian citizens in the Donbas regions of Ukraine voting to be independent republics which Mr. Ritter falsely claimed in the video.Yes that's another reason you can see that western media is lying. They have been saying that Russia is losing, that Ukraine is inflicting loss after loss. You would think Russia would have lost by now, according to western reports. Yet you will find Russia is advancing their goals. As far as Russian ships being sunk and command centers hit that is because of American intelligence helping Ukraine, its very missiles being supplied by the US. In other words, our intelligence, or ci0, is helping Ukraine kill Russian's, which is real good for world war three. Great for relations. Way to go bid0n. Way to go billionaires! Your making the world a safer place, promoting such peaceful things! Not! Dumber than a box of rocks! Kill as many Russians as possible, make them bleed, but with Ukrainian blood. Let Ukraine do the dirty work, even though they loose way many more than the Russians do, bid0n and his masters think it's worth it to get many more Ukrainians killed just to make Russia bleed some. I'll bet Russia does not forget. All to please the most corrupt group in the world; western billionaires! Certainly evil dwells among them. Dwells with us.
No facts, no evidence, just Russian propaganda to justify the slaughter of innocent Ukrainians by Putin.
peace to you