In the recent ethics thread, the argument was made that since God commanded Abraham to murder his son when He told him to offer Isaac on the altar, then it was okay to lie to save lives. Now I don't want to rehash the lying discussion, since we hashed that pretty good! :thumbs: But I do feel like this particular subject wasn't completely discussed, and want to know what ya'll think of this argument that God commanded Abraham to murder his son.
I just flew back from a conference in Mass. where one of the other missionaries was Jeff Johnson, a wonderful missionary to the Jews ( I highly recommend his minisitry. Jeff is a scholar of Jewish antiquities with a Ph. D., a Th. M. and a Th. D., so I asked him about this conundrum, trying not to let him know what my view was so as to hear an unbiased exegesis.
Jeff immediately said no, God did not command murder. He pointed out that Abraham did not believe he was going up the mountain to murder his son, but to worship with his son, and planned to come back down together: "And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you" (Gen. 22:5).
Jeff described the whole story as a "kiss from God" in Jewish thinking. It was a special event in which God showed His love to Abraham and Isaac, renewing His covenant. Abraham had received God's sacred promise, which would apply to Isaac and his seed also, so of course Abraham would know that the command was not to commit murder, but to perform an act of worship.
What think ye? :type:
I just flew back from a conference in Mass. where one of the other missionaries was Jeff Johnson, a wonderful missionary to the Jews ( I highly recommend his minisitry. Jeff is a scholar of Jewish antiquities with a Ph. D., a Th. M. and a Th. D., so I asked him about this conundrum, trying not to let him know what my view was so as to hear an unbiased exegesis.
Jeff immediately said no, God did not command murder. He pointed out that Abraham did not believe he was going up the mountain to murder his son, but to worship with his son, and planned to come back down together: "And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you" (Gen. 22:5).
Jeff described the whole story as a "kiss from God" in Jewish thinking. It was a special event in which God showed His love to Abraham and Isaac, renewing His covenant. Abraham had received God's sacred promise, which would apply to Isaac and his seed also, so of course Abraham would know that the command was not to commit murder, but to perform an act of worship.
What think ye? :type: