It is possible that God did create life in some other area of the universe, but if so, He certainly has not told us anything about it.
If He did, we can only but wonder how Jesus (who acted once in all of history) interacts with another world full of people (or created beings of some sort)? Seems sort of implausible from that angle.
Of note is how totally "special" our own planet and life actually is. For decades, Science has been selling us on the fact that out of the "billions and billions" of planets, life would certainly be possible on many of them. But the more we learn (from Science) about our own planet, solar system, galaxy, etc., the less plausible it is that life might exist on anther planet somewhere.
Conditions have to be fine-tuned to an EXTREME level in order to cause life as we know it to come about and to thrive. The order of magnitude of this fine-tuning is somewhere in the range of 1 X 10 to the 73 power, a number higher than all the atoms in the universe.
Just think about the range of temperatures where life can readily exist (at least in "higher" forms) has to fall between freezing and boiling (and in fact, between freezing and about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. That is about a 60 degree range. What a small window! Add in the needs for certain metals (not just for building stuff, but the body needs them to survive), the need to be just so far away from high radiation levels of the galaxy center, but close enough to not be 20 degrees above absolute zero, the huge moon that serves to pull tides (much life thrives because of the tide) and sweep debris from the orbital path that would otherwise extinguish the chances for life, plus the design function of the moon being precisely the right size and location to give total lunar and solar eclipses so that we can indeed see that the heavens declare the glory of God -- they DO!