Bob said
decisions as made and solidified based on compelling argument, imperical data etc
As we SEE in the case of Job 1, Adam and Eve etc
Originally posted by rc:
Not when it comes to spiritual matters.
You can give all the imperical proof in the world to an unbeliever and unless the HEART is changed, that person will always CHOOSE against it.
God's "DRAWING" ENABLES the heart to HEAR and to RESPOND.
So He STANDS outside the door of the heart and KNOCKS but does NOT enter to be WITH the lost unbeliever. Rather that person must choose to OPEN THE DOOR and THEN be in union with Christ.
While He is on the OUTSIDE - the Holy Spirit "CONVICTS of Sin and righteousness and judgment" John 16.
And the soul is enabled to LISTEN.
But as pointed out above in the case of the scenario in Job, and Adam and Lucifer and ... your point does not apply. The free will system that God is supporting requires compelling data and motivating argument to urge conclusions to a thinking universe of created beings.
the heart unless changed will desire futility and death.
That is not true. God shows that His DRAWING is sufficient to ENABLE choice. But it is still DRAWING - not "recreating" just supernatural DRAWING.