Steadfast Fred
Active Member
Abraham did not answer the rich man there was no water, which he could have easily done. No, he answered there was a great gulf between them that no one could cross.
Abraham also told us the poor beggar was comforted, so obviously he was not tormented by the flame nor by thirst as the rich man was.
It is also illogical to believe the rich man could see Abraham and Lazarus but they could not see him. They clearly could converse across this gulf and did, so why couldn't Abraham and Lazarus see the rich man? Luk 16:23 cleary says the rich man could see Abraham and Lazarus.
Scripture reveals to us that hell is a place of outer darkness. I do not believe that Lazarus and Abraham saw the rich man who was in a place of outer darkness.
As to the water, like I said, the rich man said 'send Lazarus, that he may dip his finger in water.' He did not say have Lazarus bring water from where he is. He did not even say he saw water. All that we are assured of him seeing is Lazarus and Abraham. He told the rich man 'Send Lazarus, that he may dip his finger in water..." not "Let Lazarus dip his finger in water and then send him to me."
Also, the Bible does not say the rich man was tormented by thirst. It says he was tormented 'in this flame."