"I've often wondered if Jesus could be charged of dishonoring His earthly parents..."
Look carefully at this statement.
Are we now back under the Law and are accusing?
Why are we looking for a way to charge the annointed Christ of anything?
Do we believe that He was sinless?
Jesus didn't live in the age of Grace. The writer didn't say he personally was accusing Christ. He posed the question "Could Jesus be accused as such."
Other respondents seem to think the writer of the OP is not aware that the Bible says Christ was without sin. That seems inconceivable to me. Really his question is implicitly "Given that we are told that Christ was without sin, in what since was what Jesus specifically did, by staying behind for days in Jerusalem when he must have known his parents were worried, not dishonouring his parents" That's what he's asking. I mean, I'm assuming the writer isn't a child or something.
But you could also ask, was Jesus not sinning in his scathing rebukes of the scribes and Pharisees, when Paul admits he himself was sinning when calling the chief priest a "white-washed" wall. Christ said MUCH worse. I think I have answer though, but this discussion isn't all that intriguing to me.
But as for Christ not dishonouring his parents, it says right there in th text that he returned to Nazareth and was subject to his parents. So, the writer there seems to affirm that the charge could plausibly be made, and so is careful to say that he did honour them. That's what's relevant, what the passage actually says, not some complete speculation about it being a big crowd or what not.
Alcott's answer was good, maybe a couple of others, most were completely off target, imo.