There was NEVER a mixture, nor a single nature, but TWO in complete agreement and union. We do not speak of the "natures of Christ" but the "nature of Christ" because the union cannot be separated, and cannot be dissolved.
What about the pre-incarnate Christ? Was He "two in complete union" then? How, then, can you use the word "never"?
To understand where this discussion leads brings us to the nature of the purpose of the Incarnation. It was a mission, not an eternal change in His divine nature. As has often been the case, attempts to address one wrong view of Christ, (docetism, modalism, etc.) often brings us to overreact, making equally egregious errors - positing a profound and eternal change in the divine second Person of the Trinity from Incarnation onward.
Yet Christ is unchangeable. And he,according to John 17, has again the glory He had before with the Father.
It is heretical to not view Christ as fully man and fully God. Two natures in UNION and functioning together as a single ONE Lord and Savior.
As Lord and Savior Christ had to be fully God and fully man. But what was He before the Incarnation? Do you not see that this is an important part in our understanding of how the eternal Christ is now? You wrote "Two natures in UNION and functioning together...". Yes, but when the function changes - as it has with Christ - there is no need for a continuance of how He was. This is why I believe that there is no longer a physical Christ, but a purely spiritual one.
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