Since when did recognition of a sin become sin? You may be crossing into creating new sins.
Recognition in the sense of supporting it by your presence, not merely recognizing what they are doing.
But you've already agreed this "redefining" is a sin. SO marriage remains what God says it is.
We are not talking about God's definition but man's definition. God's definition NEVER becomes sin, but man's definition IS sin because it departs from God's definition. If you are giving support to man's definition by supporting it with your presence than you are JOINING IN the APOSTASY from God's definition and practice.
You're not sinning just because you think you're getting married. The sin rests in disagreeing with what God says is marriage.
What your doing and/or supporting IS SIN not merely because it is rebellion against God's definition, but it is the practice of "fornication" which the Bible defines to be sin.
Pretending to get married after the government sins and tries to redefine marriage does not make that pretense a sin.
Again, your PRACTICE is rebellion (sin) against God's definition. Your SUPPORT is rebellion (sin) against God's definition. Hence, the Pretense is an act of rebellion (sin).
That makes no sense. God has already defined fornication. The government attempting to redefine it doesn't create a new sin. It would still be fornication.
That is my point precisely! What the government calls marriage is forniciation regardless of what they define it as (marriage). Hence, what they call "marriage" between two of the same sex IS SIN and it is REBELLION against God's definition of marriage, and anyone supporting it by their presence or practice is sin. Just like the guy driving the getaway car is held responsible for robbing the bank, even though he does not step one foot into the bank.
Biblical marriage is in part physical union as well as a covenant of committment, as they are "one flesh." Fornication although it is not defined as Biblical marriage is also "union" as one flesh.Hold your horses. I thought you were referring to the "marriage" as the "union".
1 Cor. 6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
So what? Bars aren't publicly advertised as a place to go and get drunk.
Bars are publicly recognized and known to be places of illrepute and drunkeness - who are you kidding!!! What universe do you live in???? Apparently not this universe.
Huh? What does advertising a hospital as an abortion clinic have to do with it being sinful to support a person getting an abortion? The latter would be sinful in itself. It didn't become sinful because the hospital is advertised as an abortion clinic.
I shouldn't of used the term "advertise." What I meant is that they are established for medical procedures without any special restriction for abortion - that is oranges. However, a homosexual wedding is restricted to one thing - performing a homosexual wedding period - that is apples. So don't mix apples (specific design) with oranges (general and non specific). People go to hospitals for any number of reasons without the hospitable being restricted for abortions only.
The only "confusion" my friend rests between your two ears :BangHead: