The dimmest of all is the current racist clown in the white house.
If he's a racist, then you certainly are too.
Obama didn't just fail black people, he failed all Americans. Every time he had the chance to act like a president during racially tense situations, he acted like a black man with a huge chip on his shoulder instead.
Just like the 43 white Presidents before him acted like privileged white men with a chip on their shoulders.
As a result he has been largly responsible for the deterioration af race relations during his term in office. His own race has preoccupied a large part of his time, creating problems where none existed, to the detriment of the nation as a whole.
He's been no more responsible for it than the racist and racially prejudiced folks on this board, or the folks in the GOP who pledged to block everything he attempted to do, or of the white police officers and prosecutors and judges who collaborated to allow for the unjust policing and murder of unarmed black people.
The GOP has as its presumptive Presidential nominee a man who is anti-black, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-muslim, anti-immigrant, and anti-Mexican. He's saying the VERY SAME THINGS VERY LOUDLY that the GOP has said for years.
Yet you and the Fox News crowd think Barack Obama is largely responsible for the deterioration of race relations?
If I recall correctly a lot of you kept saying that the unarmed murdered black people got what they deserved echoing what was heard throughout so called "politically conservative" circles. Yet you think Barack Obama has been largely responsible for the deterioration of race relations.
George W Bush created problems where there weren't any to the detriment of the whole nation by sending us to war against a country that didn't bomb us on 9/11.
But , all in all the premise of the OP is correct. He has done the most damage to blacks.
He ain't done nothing to Blacks that 43 previous administrations of the 43 white Presidents hadn't done.