The Bible never says that. In fact, I would argue that Hebrews 3:6 puts the church in the same "house" as Israel - i.e. the people of God.
God has the "spiritual" aspects of the Kingdom for the Church, while he still ahs physical Kingdom aspects for national isreal, justthat we are NOW in Grace /Church Age, will usher in physical Kingdom on Earth at His second coming!
You further need to prove that "kingdom" is the best translation of basileia. Because its primary meaning is simply reign or rulership. In this case, Jesus was pronouncing the re-establishment of the reign of God in the world. That finds its culmination in Rev. 21-22.
The Kingdom is here/not here, as all who are saved by God enter into the spiritual kingdom, while those alive enter into the Physical Kingdom when he returns at end of this Age ...
Again, there is little Scripture support for the concept of a "transition" period beyond the waning of the apostles presence on earth. Even more, you have yet to provide Scripture for your insistent claim that (1) the apostles worked under inspiration/revelation (not saying I disagree) & (2) that the NT distinguishes between illumination & revelation/inspiration.
jesus Himself said the Apostles would have the HS inspire them, peter said paul was equal to OT scriptures in his Epistles, and Luke was quoted as being same as isaiah as scripture...
Also, the HS is said to be able to teach us/open up the Bible, as per Apostle John, ALL of us have that 'anoiting" from Him to know the truth...
understand your interpretation of Scripture, being a former dispo myself (I was the uber-dispo). But one of my problems as a dispo was that I could only think in western/systematic terms instead of eastern/diachronic metanarrative theology (called biblical theology). You explained your systematic understanding of Scripture w/out providing Scripture. That is evangelical pontification (an oxymoron of sorts).
You seem to be falling into the "trap" of those who hold to us being in SAME relation with HS as the Acts church...
NONE of us today have same inspiration that the HS granted the Apostles of Christ, and since canon is closed, no more revelatory process going on now!
This has nothing to do with proving the point of a valid hermenuetic. Further this does not help in identifying a verse that validates a hermeneutic. From your answers, you appear to have your theology in place already and interpret Scripture through that grid. While I may not argue that is invalid, it should at least be acknowledged.
Actually, the Messiah in the OT was more than a promise. Only a narrow approach to the OT will allow an OT picture of Jesus through prophecies only. However, Jesus puts himself in every genre and portion of the OT (Luke 24:44ff). He is the goal of the OT (not just OT prophecies).
Messiah was the central theme of the OT promise of God to mankind, but as another aspect of it, also was the promise to have Isreal received her glory under reign of Messiah....
BTW... didn't Jesus say the rule of God (kingdom) was on earth b/c he was casting out demons (Matt. 12:28)??? So better language is to say he DID establish the rule of God on the earth. HOwever, it is awaiting consummation.