Well-Known Member
The people in Matt 7 used that same logic to claim that they too knew the future!
In Romans 11 there is no "but you know the future so pay no attention to this scripture" found in the text.
All those who argue that "failure to know what you will choose ten years from today is a sign of false doctrine" are basing their theology on mythology not scripture.
The people in Matt 7 are of no comparision. They are not in Christ nor would have any understanding as do those who are in Christ.
They CLAIM to be true children of God - saved and in right relation with him at the time of his appearing. But as Christ points out -- simply "claiming to be accepted by God and claiming to have full confidence" about that day - means absolutely nothing.
Empty claims are pointless and claiming to know what you will do ten years from today is without substance.
RATHER as Christ points out "NOT everyone who SAYS Lord Lord will enter the kingdom but rather the one who DOES the WILL of My Father will enter".
Then Christ contrasts the one who DOES vs the one who simply SAYS but does not follow up with action. The house built upon the rock -- is the one who hears and DOES the will of the Father -- all others are building upon sand EVEN if at some time in the past they were saved and building upon the ROCK.
in Christ,