Well-Known Member
Well Poncho, to answer your question, I relied on medical statistics and findings. And our committee did not exist to FORCE vaccines down anyone's throat .... we were there to educate, answer questions, and run immuzination fairs for the parents who wanted vaccines.
If a parent wants to with go vaccines, they put their kids at risk, not those who are vaccinated. The vaccinated child has nothing to fear when whooping cough, measles, mumps or polio breaks out.
You and others can do what you wish. If that is believe the negative stories about vaccines, who am I to change your mind?
So you didn't educate yourself, and you didn't read the inserts, and you didn't have the people getting the vaccines read the inserts.
Hmmm. How can you claim to be educating people when you didn't know what was in the vaccines and didn't know what signs to look for if an adverse reaction were to occur?
What did you tell them, 9 out of 10 experts who work for big pharma companies agree vaccines are safe and effective?
How many times did you ask the parents if their children were allergic to eggs? How many of the people administering the vaccines asked the parents if their children were allergic to eggs? How many people were given the opportunity to read the warnings? Did anyone ever warn them of the dangers? I've seen these "vaccine fairs". They're like assembly lines with a bunch of smiling people all acting happy and unconcerned.. Take a seat get the jab see ya later best wishes bye bye now, have a nice day!
The parents who put their children at risk are trusting YOU to tell them the dangers if any exist so they can make an educated decision. Yet you didn't educate yourself. You didn't read the inserts and you didn't have the parents read the inserts.
You relied on "experts" and statistics. Yeah I know it's each parents responsibility to read the warnings. Most don't because they're relying on YOU and the "experts" to warn them of the dangers.
Each "negative story" as you call them is a human life. Usually a very young human life that has been placed in your hands and yet you didn't think it prudent to educate yourself, didn't read the inserts, and didn't have the people receiving the vaccine read the insert?
Do you think that's being responsible? "Oh but Poncho those parents wanted their children to get the vaccines". Yeah I wonder why. Maybe because they've heard nothing but glowing reports from the "experts" who probably work for or receive their funding for research from the company that manufactures the vaccine and the uneducated but well meaning people who hold vaccine fairs and call themselves "educators" their whole lives?
The vaccine industry is just that an industry driven by profits not by "good will towards men and peace on earth kumbaya". I know you probably never thought about it that way. You just wanted to help protect people from illness which is a noble thing but how can you help people without actually giving them all the information they need to make an educated decision on behalf of their children?
I repeat, their children. The most trusting little souls there are on God's green earth.
An update to two reports filed earlier this month. The flu vaccine has claimed another child and the Disneyland measles outbreak is being blamed on the unvaccinated but the system cannot explain away fully vaccinated people coming down with and even spreading the flu.
People's blind trust in this system that tell them "everything is going to be great don't worry trust us we're the experts and the statistics are on your side" never fails to amaze me.
I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide What Eliminated Diseases Come Roaring Back
As a mother, I put my parenting decisions above all else. Nobody knows my son better than me, and the choices I make about how to care for him are no one’s business but my own. So, when other people tell me how they think I should be raising my child, I simply can’t tolerate it. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, I fully stand behind my choices as a mom, including my choice not to vaccinate my son, because it is my fundamental right as a parent to decide which eradicated diseases come roaring back.
The decision to cause a full-blown, multi-state pandemic of a virus that was effectively eliminated from the national population generations ago is my choice alone, and regardless of your personal convictions, that right should never be taken away from a child’s parent. Never.
Say what you will about me, but I’ve read the information out there and weighed every option, so I am confident in my choice to revive a debilitating illness that was long ago declared dead and let it spread like wildfire from school to school, town to town, and state to state, until it reaches every corner of the country. Leaving such a momentous decision to someone you haven’t even met and who doesn’t care about your child personally—now that’s absurd!
Maybe I choose to bring back the mumps. Or maybe it’s diphtheria. Or maybe it’s some other potentially fatal disease that can easily pass among those too young or too medically unfit to be vaccinated themselves. But whichever highly communicable and formerly wiped-out disease that I opt to resurrect with a vengeance, it is a highly personal decision that only I and my family have the liberty to make.
The bottom line is that I’m this child’s mother, and I know what’s best. End of story. Politicians, pharmaceutical companies—they don’t know the specific circumstances that made me decide to breathe new life into a viral infection that scientists and the nation at large celebrated stamping out roughly a century ago. It seems like all they care about is following unexamined old rules, injecting chemicals into our kids, preventing ghastly illnesses that used to ravage millions and have since been erased from storming back and wreaking mass havoc on a national scale, and making a buck. Should we really be listening to them and not our own hearts?
I am by no means telling mothers and fathers out there what to do; I’m simply standing up for every parent’s right to make his or her own decision. You may choose to follow the government-recommended immunization schedule for your child, and that’s your decision as a parent. And I might choose to unleash rubella on thousands upon thousands of helpless people, and that’s my decision as a parent.
It’s simple: You don’t tell me how to raise my kids to avoid reviving a horrific illness that hasn’t been seen on our shores since our grandparents were children, and I won’t tell you how to raise yours.
Look, I’ve done the research on these issues, I’ve read the statistics, and I’ve carefully considered the costs and benefits, and there’s simply no question in my mind that inciting a nationwide health emergency by unleashing a disease that can kill 20 percent or more of its victims is the right one for my child.
People need to respect that and move on.
Fear mongering much or what? "You don't want to be responsible for killing millions of people do you? Then sit down shut up and get the jab! The government knows what's best for you!"
None of the big government liberal authoritarians out there got anything on you.
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