John of Japan,
Iconoclast and Covenanter have piled on so many posts over the weekend that there is no way I can answer them without spending hours of time needed for other things:
Yes...of course I understand John. When we offer shorter posts, or medium question those who we quote...Chilton and others...
So we step it up and post solid bible teachers in detail....then it is too long... or is it? In either do not answer in kind....that is the predictable bottom line, it has been a pattern.
many papers I have to correct from two block classes, preparation for the two classes I am now teaching (Greek 102 and a brand new class, Bible Translaiton Theory and Practice, for a brand new MA in Bible Translation our seminary is offering--awesome!); taking a seminary class myself; our new Japanese NT, etc.
Yes...these are valid things...glad you are helping others.
I will just answer one point here, which is that I said that the type was a figure of speech, but Iconoclast said it wasn't. I discussed with my son, who teaches hermeneutics, and he pointed out that a type is a literal historical event illustrating a literal past historical event--therefore it cannot be a figure of speech, since those are not literal. So, Iconoclast, you were right--except that a type is literal.
I am glad that we have some agreement...but I know you are not looking to understand what is being have looked a bit, and turned away.
that is your call.
Beyond that, Icon accused me of so many things in his posts.
That is your point of view....i see many different people daily I think i have a pretty good read on things. I have no need to accuse you of anything.
i can make observations and comment however.
I don't respond well to bullying (who does?),
No bullying going on...just evasive manuevers...I understand.
so I'm just going to abandon any more posts on this thread.
Just as many of us thought...not a surprise.
For Icon: I don't have to reply to any of your posts,
Of course are a free moral agent.I have not forgotten your reluctance to answer on the sun, moon, and stars, until pressed...then you offered the weak idea of shooting stars?
John i understand, I really do. God has called you to translation and other such things, that is fine,.
so your demands that I do ring hollow
Perhaps...but it could be your evasion and excuses that ring hollow...

I am still working through things and like the press the issue...but then when a response is given you run for the hills.
As I have told you many times, you have long and involved posts
When I give short answers you ignore was you who said..Where is the beef??? I give some beef and you flee...
and often your points are irrelevant.
John...some of my points might be....or...wait for might not get it

So it is easy to dismiss the offerings than answer
Having said those things, I see a great need for a thread on figures of speech, so I will start one, hoping that everyone can keep to the subject--which has not happened here.
One reason that might not have "happened here" is you avoided like the plague giving those things that make up a Divine Covenant.
The reason you did not do so, I by doing so you know it would admit to a description of the covenant of redemption.
You said you see no such Covenant....I posted from many who have before me and had no trouble seeing it.
You know John...when someone goes to medical school to be a DR. and it is time to learn about the complete working of the circulatory system...the heart, the lungs, the veins, arteries, takes time and they need to go into great detail.
If a person just picks out one part of isolation...they will not get close to the whole system at all.
You mocked the short answers, and yet when an attempt is made to frame out what is central to the bible and salvation you balk at it...
Maybe others who read will have time to look more in detail...even some of your students, because if you do not "see this in scripture" chances are you are not going to teach your students on it.
Thanks for your participation on the thread.